Guatemala (MNN) – This week, Food for the Hungry is visiting one of their newest communities in northwestern Guatemala. But the ministry is not traveling alone. By their side are representatives of one of their largest groups of supporters: moms.

(Image courtesy of Food for the Hungry)
CityMoms Blog Network – a group of local parenting sites reaching more than 2 million readers – has joined forces with Food for the Hungry to raise awareness on both the impact of poverty and the power of community to help eradicate it.
Jeremy Ries of Food for the Hungry said it was the idea of thinking big while focusing on one community in Guatemala that made the partnership a perfect fit for both the ministry and CityMoms. “Their desire and their goal is to sponsor 300 children. ” The community has been partnering with Food for the Hungry since December 2015, so the CityMoms Blog Network readers have an opportunity to help affect change that will last for years to come.

(Image courtesy of Food for the Hungry)
What that change looks like is different for each community. Jeremy shares, “We’re very focused on identifying what the community needs. So in some communities it might be an education, agricultural training, or clean water, and in other communities there might be a need for a community center or the need for deworming of children.”
What is unchanging is Food for the Hungry’s commitment to eradicate poverty by providing ways for the communities they serve to become self-sustaining.
“We’re in a community about 10 years, and within 10 years we’re taking that community from extreme poverty to out of poverty.” Food for the Hungry looks at lifting their partner communities out of all forms of poverty through the hope of the Gospel – spiritual, physical, emotional, and financial.

(Image courtesy of Food of the Hungry)
Partnering with like-minded organizations and businesses has proven to be good for ministry at Food for the Hungry. “It gives us an opportunity to reach an audience we don’t already have. Great support for the ministry comes from moms, so CityMoms was a great organization,” Jeremy reflects. “Child sponsorship is not only impacting that child in Guatemala, but it’s also impacting the family that’s sponsoring that child.”
You can read (and watch) the stories shared by both Food for the Hungry and CityMoms Blog Network on social media by following #CMBNGivesBack; #CMBNGuatemala; and #FHBloggers. And learn more about Food for the Hungry’s child sponsorship program here.
God must guide us and give more knowledge to get more food for the people.